Strong winds can occur anywhere during any time of year. Gusty winds can also be a component of any type of storm. The potential for wind damage exists all year long, so taking precautions against the effects of wind damage is an important step in caring for your property. Here we briefly walk through the basics of how wind damage can occur to your roof.
Physics of Wind Damage
Wind does not gust over a surface evenly. As the surface is impacted by the wind, the edges of the surface are subject to a higher wind pressure. The same phenomenon occurs on a roof when the wind blows. Not surprisingly, the edges of a roof are often the first to sustain damage as they shield and buffer the rest of the roof.
Wind damage is best combated by regular, professional roof inspections by a trusted roofing professional. Regular inspections are an important part of roof maintenance. To further prepare for strong winds, move loose yard objects and furniture to a safe location if time allows.
We are Springfield’s top roofing team – call us today at [nw_data field=phone] to explore options for protecting your roof from storm damage!